0). It can speak task
1). you can set date reminder
2). Routin reminder
3).Let you set today goal in terms of hour
4).record improvement
5). Data representation piechart,linechart
6). flowchart maker(Orgchart , flowchart)
7). TodoList
1st principal
It is work on the basis of 1% principal from book Atomic Habit
it make your important task 1% easier and distraction 1% harder
by speaking out task let you know your task without touching your smartphone
result distraction from smartphone reduces and say the task it let you prepair
for upcoming task.
2nd principal
it let you set today goal in terms of hour result specific amount of goal making your
goal more spacific . as the principal from book say
"you can't complete goal by just righting it but you must specfic about it "
for example how much money you want to earn and How?
in this app case what you want to do today and how much hour you will put?
please left your valuable review